Upcoming Events

 August 7th - Kickoff Meeting! 


2024 - 2025

August 7, 2024

September 11, 2024

October 9, 2024

November 13, 2024

December 11, 2024

January 15, 2025

February 12, 2025

March 5, 2025

April 9, 2025

May 14, 2025


contact us: WGHS Parents Club 


To Do List

How Can You Share Your Time and Talents?

We are looking for someone to compile our monthly newsletter.

We are also looking for a chair for the Staff Grants and the "Show the Love" committees. 


Get Involved and Join a Parents' Club Committee.  You'll be so glad that you did! 



No Upcoming Events


Follow us on social media!